Friday, June 17, 2011

Tractor's on a farm

Without a tractor on a farm , you must do al the work and that is very heavy whit a wheelbarrow and a scoop , and that's not so plasent to do . whit the tractor you can do everything much better because the tractor do al the work and jou must only drive in it . You can use the tractor for mucking out stables , and for the acker .to get the corn of the acker . I gone told you in wich sequence you crom must grow :
First you must mucle speading on the acker for the good growing from your crow , then you must it kulteren because in under the ground must from the police , then you must wacht for the rain  becaus it must inrain that's better for the ground . when it has rained then you gone plow it that's for the turn the ground when you has plowed it you can seeding in whit your desired seed for example  corn , patatos , wheat , barley ....
and then you must pected to is ripe , then you can go harvest it for money or for your own cows or other animals . when you cell the crow you must bring it to the factory for money and then it begins it over new .

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